Galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnost / Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art

Tim Shaw: Ambulation

Soundwalk, 60 min
Friday, 29 Sep, at 17:00, Cukrarna
Friday, 29 Sep, at 20:00, Valvasor Park

Registration required

Photo: François Gendre.

Ambulation is a walking performance that uses listening technologies to harvest diverse sounds from the immediate environment. Drawing on field recording techniques, Tim Shaw records acoustic sounds and electromagnetic waves as he walks. He captures, repeats, processes and mixes these sounds using his own portable equipment. He improvises an event that intertwines past sound events with those that come along the way. A group of people follow him, each wearing wireless headphones, witnessing a strange, live field recording performance.

Each performance is specific to its geographical and temporal context and the performance system has been designed to manifest this siteresponsiveness. The listening technologies and sound processing systems employed are revisited in each performance to respond to the environmental context of each particular event. Consequently, this project is never finished and continues to be developed with each new invitation to walk.

Ambulation has been performed at 34 different festivals and events around the world to date.

Tim Shaw is an artist working with sound, light and communication media. Presenting work through performances, installations and sound walks, he is interested in how environments can be constructed or explored using a diverse range of techniques and technologies. Working with field recordings, electronics, synthesis, sound objects, self-made hardware and DIY software, his practice creatively appropriates communication technologies to explore how these devices change the way we experience the world.
