Galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnost / Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art

    USB-key with sound works of the season, price: 9 € (with 5% VAT)

    USB-key with sound works of the season, price: 9 € (with 5% VAT)

    USB-key with sound works of the season, price: 9 € (with 5% VAT)

    artist’s notebook, price: 7 € (with 5% VAT)

    artists’ notebook, price: 7 € (with 5% VAT)

    artist’s notebook, price: 7 € (with 5% VAT)

    author’s notebook, price: 7 € (with 5% VAT)

    author’s notebook, price: 7 € (with 5% VAT)

    notebook from recycled exhibition posters of Steklenik gallery, price: 5 € (with 22% VAT)

    package with all current publications of Gallery Steklenik, price: 30 € (with 5% VAT)


    Delivery options: by post or personal pickup (Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana)
    Postal charge is 14€ for EU countries, 3€ for Slovenia. Postal charge is not included in the price.

    Payment method: bank transfer
    You will receive a pro forma invoice to the specified e-mail address within one day. The shipment is sent after payment is confirmed.

