For all lovers of sound walks and walking, we offer the possibility of borrowing our books, which thematise the wider context of walking as a research and artistic practice as well as the broader field of sound art.
To borrow a book, please send your first and last name and the title of the desired book to info@cona.si. Pick-ups and returns are possible at our offices in Šiška, Ljubljana (Trg Prekomurskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana) from 10:00 to 14:00 every day except weekends and holidays. Borrowing is possible for period of 14 days and is free of charge, but we will be happy to accept any voluntary contributions to support and expand our book collection about the practice of walking.
Available books:

Wanderers: A History of Women Walking
Language: English
Short description:
This is a book about ten women over the past three hundred years who have found walking essential to their sense of themselves, as people and as writers. Wanderers traces their footsteps, from eighteenth-century parson’s daughter Elizabeth Carter—who desired nothing more than to be taken for a vagabond in the wilds of southern England—to modern walker-writers such as Nan Shepherd and Cheryl Strayed.

Walking From Scores
Language: English
Short description:
Walking from Scores is a hundred or so collection of non site-specific protocols, instructions and textual and graphic scores centred on walking, listening and playing sound in urban environment.

Language: Slovenian
Short description:
Njegovo najbolj znano delo je Walden: Življenje v gozdu (1854), v katerem zagovarja preprosto življenje v naravnem okolju, poleg drugega pa je napisal tudi znamenit esej Hoja (Walking, 1862, v knjižni obliki je izšel posthumno), v katerem se je tej vsakodnevni človekovi aktivnosti posvetil s sebi lastno lucidnostjo, saj je, kot pravi »v svojem življenju spoznal le eno ali dve osebi, ki sta razumeli umetnost hoje, se pravi sprehajanja, in ki sta imeli tako rekoč talent za romanje«. Brezčasna klasika za vse ljubitelje narave.

Frédéric GROS
A Philosophy of Walking
Language: English
Short description:
In A Philosophy of Walking, a bestseller in France, leading thinker Frédéric Gros charts the many different ways we get from A to B—the pilgrimage, the promenade, the protest march, the nature ramble—and reveals what they say about us.

O hoji v ledu
Language: Slovenian
Short description:
Ko je Werner Herzog novembra 1974 izvedel, da je njegova mentorica Lotte Eisner, pisateljica, filmska kritičarka in kuratorka, ki je živela v Parizu, na smrt bolna, je sklenil peš premagati pot od Münchna do Pariza, »trdno prepričan, da bo ostala pri življenju, če bom do nje pripešačil«. Spotoma si je zapisoval, kaj je videl, kako se je počutil in kaj je doživel, od telesnih nevšečnosti, ki so ga spremljale med hojo, do trenutkov vznesenosti.

Erling KAGGE
Hoja: korak za korakom
Language: Slovenian
Short description:
Zakaj hodimo? Od kod hodimo? Kakšen je naš cilj? Erling Kagge je norveški raziskovalec, pisatelj in založnik. Izkusil je tišino in hojo. Je prvi človek, ki je dosegel vse tri vrhove sveta: severni pol, južni pol in Mount Everest. Svetovna uspešnica Hoja nam podaja vprašanja o tisti samoumevni stvari, ki nas fascinira – hoji.

Dolg sprehod do zaliva
Language: English
Short description:
John Muir (1838-1914) je znameniti škotsko-ameriški naravoslovec, botanik, mislec, utemeljitelj ameriške ekologije in avtor, znan tudi kot »oče narodnih parkov«, ki se je leta 1867 podal na drzno pustolovščino in botanično ekskurzijo. Ker ga je gnala želja po raziskovanju sveta, je zapustil svoje življenje v Indiani in krenil na tisoč šesto kilometrov dolgo pešpot do Mehiškega zaliva.

The Lost Art of Walking
Language: English
Short description:
Nicholson finds people who walk only at night, or naked, or in the shape of a cross or a circle, or for thousands of miles at a time, in costume, for causes, or for no reason whatsoever. He examines the history and traditions of walking and its role as inspiration to artists, musicians, and writers like Bob Dylan, Charles Dickens, and Buster Keaton. In The Lost Art of Walking, he brings curiosity, imagination, and genuine insight to a subject that often strides, shuffles, struts, or lopes right by us.

Shane O’MARA
Hvalnica hoji
Language: Slovenian
Short description:
Pokončna hoja po dveh nogah je spretnost, ki je edinstvena za našo vrsto. Omogočila nam je, da smo se iz Afrike sprehodili vse do Aljaske in Avstralije. Sprostila je naše roke in osvobodila naš um. Ko polagamo stopalo pred stopalo, to le redko počnemo zavedno, še manj pa se zavedamo, kako koristno in blagodejno je to početje za telo in dušo. Irski nevroznanstvenik dr. Shane O’Mara nas vabi, da se skupaj čudimo tej naši izjemni sposobnosti.

A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Language: English
Short description:
Written as a series of autobiographical essays, A Field Guide to Getting Lost draws on emblematic moments and relationships in Rebecca Solnit’s life to explore issues of uncertainty, trust, loss, memory, desire, and place. Solnit is interested in the stories we use to navigate our way through the world, and the places we traverse, from wilderness to cities, in finding ourselves, or losing ourselves.

The Political Possibility of Sound
Language: English
Short description:
Drifting in and out of physical matter, The Political Possibility of Sound is an in-depth adventure into hearing, listening and cross-referencing the politics of sound and also its making.

Listening to Noise and Silence
Language: English
Short description:
Listening to Noise and Silence engages with the emerging practice of sound art and the concurrent development of a discourse and theory of sound. In this original and challenging work, Salomé Voegelin immerses the reader in concepts of listening to sound artwork and the everyday acoustic environment, establishing an aesthetics and philosophy of sound and promoting the notion of a sonic sensibility.

The Political Possibility of Sound
Language: English
Short description:
These seven essays on The Political Possibility of Sound present a perfectly incomplete form for a discussion on the possibility of the political that includes creativity and invention, and articulates a politics that imagines transformation and the desire to embrace a connected and collaborative world.