Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law : island | fjorar – the crystal detector // “live” performance
Tue 16 Mar 2021 at 18.00 p.m.
in-situ FM walk (link)
meeting point: Castle Tivoli
‘live’ performance track:
Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law – the crystal detector
Jez riley French: located sound (field recordings), organ, omnichord, analogue synthesisers, objects, score for listening composition
Pheobe riley Law: voice / text compositions, effects, objects
Eliza Bozek: additional spoken voice
remix track:
Moltamole (Eliza Bozek) – Meander Island remix
Jez words about the performance:
“As we can’t yet travel to Slovenia, myself & Pheobe have put together this remote-live performance track, using several of the core located sound (field recording) tracks that are featured in the ‘ìsland | fjorar – the crystal detector’ piece. The piece concludes with a realisation of one of the ‘scores for listening’ from the project. The located sound recordings involved the use of extended listening & recording techniques inc. using JrF c-series contact microphones, JrF d-series hydrophones, JrF adapted geophones, ultrasonic detectors, electromagnetic microphones and vlf detectors. Some of the sounds featured in the installation piece, and the performance track, include antenna support cables, melting glacial ice, minerals dissolving in solutions only 0.0005% more acidic than current levels in locale waters, and harbour activity. We asked our friend, the composer / sound artist, Eliza Bozek, to record some of Pheobe’s text pieces and include two of those readings also. Eliza was one of the participants in a field trip to Iceland with myself (JrF) some years ago and I also asked her if she would like access to the recordings in order to create a remix. This also includes some of Pheobe’s text pieces, transformed into musical elements.”
Artists: Jez riley French, Pheobe riley Law and Eliza Bozek
Curated by: Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman
Organisation: Irena Pivka
Public relations: Katarina Radaljac
Production: Cona, Institute for Contemporary Arts Processing, 2021
Venue: Steklenik, Gallery for Sound, Bioacoustics and Art, frequency FM 88.8MHz, Park Tivoli, 3rd programme of Radio Slovenia – programme Ars